Pre-correction/Prompting Appropriate Behavior
Pre-correction, or Prompting Appropriate Behavior, is when a teacher explicitly states the desired behavior(s) before a task. Pre-correction is a research based practice that increases appropriate and on-task behaviors and decreases unwanted behaviors. This simple strategy is effective across ages, school settings, and ability levels. The art of pre-correction is to anticipate the behaviors that may occur, and review the expectations of the task, in a clear and positive way, prior to engagement.
How to:
- Provide verbal cue/reminder, stated in the positive (Walk calmly down the hall vs. Don’t run!)
- Link verbal cues to school wide/class expectations/rules (Be safe by walking to lunch)
- Model the behavior (Who can show the way we walk to lunch?)
- Verbal, visual/gestural (sign language), physical (Slow down hand signal.)
- Specific and frequent
- Directly prior to (minutes before) behavior is expected (Right before the lunch bell rings this behavior is reviewed.)
- Actively supervise (“move around, visually scan, and interact with students” Faul, 2012)
- Reinforce appropriate/expected behavior with verbal/gestural recognition (a thumbs up, a high five) praise
- Write prompts to help yourself remember and deliver explicit statements to individual students, based on their behavioral expectations and goals.
Colvin, J. O., Sugai, G., Good, R., & Lee, Y. (1997). Using active supervision and precorrection to improve transition behaviors in an elementary
school. School Psychology Quarterly, 21, pp. 262-285.
Faul, A., Stepensky, K., & Simonsen, B. (2012). The effects of prompting appropriate behavior on the off-task behavior of two middle school
students. Journal of Positive behavior Interventions, 14(47), pp. 47-55. doi: 10.1177/1098300711410702.
Colvin, J. O., Sugai, G., Good, R., & Lee, Y. (1997). Using active supervision and precorrection to improve transition behaviors in an elementary
school. School Psychology Quarterly, 21, pp. 262-285.
Faul, A., Stepensky, K., & Simonsen, B. (2012). The effects of prompting appropriate behavior on the off-task behavior of two middle school
students. Journal of Positive behavior Interventions, 14(47), pp. 47-55. doi: 10.1177/1098300711410702.